
World War C, the Big Picture in 90 minutes

World War C, the Big Picture in 90 minutes…

Pathé Tuchinscki Amsterdam was “the place to be” for anyone who wants to understand more about the “Big Picture”. A 1.5-hour documentary from Dutch soil premiered for a select group in the form of a sneak preview, framed by a colorful program, hosted by televisionhost Flavio Pasquino.

The makers

Producer Jean-Jacques van Bemmel (Docsfair) and director Belgin Inal were busy finishing the film until the last moment. In fact, Belgin was so busy that she had no time for interviews or press until the evening itself. Fortunately, we still got the talented filmmaker in front of the camera, because Sietske was persistent with the camera-shy filmmaker. We already spoke to Jean-Jacques extensively in the run-up to the sneak preview and the interview with him can be seen HERE.

Balanced story

What is perhaps most special about the documentary is that it is not an antivaxx film and actually a very balanced story. Both supporters and opponents of the policy and the vaccination strategy were given the floor, making the film accessible to a wide audience. Highly recommended to watch with someone who does not share your opinion.


The makers have advanced the costs for the film themselves and have thus taken a considerable risk. That is courageous and that is why we want to do everything we can to limit their damage. We support this project 100% and hope that you can spare a small contribution to make the most of it. Because these people should be able to continue to do this and their courage should be rewarded. This is the link to their donation page

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